<div dir="ltr"><a href="https://github.com/apitrace/apitrace/commit/35857d9add2d4b50944474e6e89f121c1923b07e">https://github.com/apitrace/apitrace/commit/35857d9add2d4b50944474e6e89f121c1923b07e</a> adds support for profile with <span style="color:rgb(0,0,0);white-space:pre-wrap">ARB_timer_query and without </span><span style="font-family:sans-serif">GL_EXT_timer_query.</span><br>
<div class="gmail_extra"><br></div><div class="gmail_extra">It's probably trivial to add support for <span style="font-family:sans-serif">GL_EXT_disjoint_timer_query given it looks like a super set of </span><span style="color:rgb(0,0,0);white-space:pre-wrap">ARB_timer_query. Actually, doing this</span></div>
<div class="gmail_extra"><font color="#000000"><span style="white-space:pre-wrap"><br></span></font></div><div class="gmail_extra"><font color="#000000"><div class="gmail_extra"><span style="white-space:pre-wrap">diff --git a/retrace/glretrace_main.cpp b/retrace/glretrace_main.cpp</span></div>
<div class="gmail_extra"><span style="white-space:pre-wrap">index 0282929..917d3df 100755</span></div><div class="gmail_extra"><span style="white-space:pre-wrap">--- a/retrace/glretrace_main.cpp</span></div><div class="gmail_extra">
<span style="white-space:pre-wrap">+++ b/retrace/glretrace_main.cpp</span></div><div class="gmail_extra"><span style="white-space:pre-wrap">@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ initContext() {</span></div><div class="gmail_extra"><span style="white-space:pre-wrap"> </span></div>
<div class="gmail_extra"><span style="white-space:pre-wrap"> /* Ensure we have adequate extension support */</span></div><div class="gmail_extra"><span style="white-space:pre-wrap"> assert(currentContext);</span></div>
<div class="gmail_extra"><span style="white-space:pre-wrap">- supportsTimestamp = currentContext->hasExtension("GL_ARB_timer_query");</span></div><div class="gmail_extra"><span style="white-space:pre-wrap">+ supportsTimestamp = currentContext->hasExtension("GL_ARB_timer_query") || currentContext->hasExtension("EXT_disjoint_timer_query");</span></div>
<div class="gmail_extra"><span style="white-space:pre-wrap"> supportsElapsed = currentContext->hasExtension("GL_EXT_timer_query") || supportsTimestamp;</span></div><div class="gmail_extra"><span style="white-space:pre-wrap"> supportsOcclusion = currentContext->hasExtension("GL_ARB_occlusion_query");</span></div>
<div class="gmail_extra"><span style="white-space:pre-wrap"> supportsDebugOutput = currentContext->hasExtension("GL_ARB_debug_output");</span></div><div style="white-space:pre-wrap"><br></div><div style="white-space:pre-wrap">
<br></div><div style="white-space:pre-wrap">might be good enough.</div><div style="white-space:pre-wrap"><br></div><div style="white-space:pre-wrap">Jose</div></font><br><div class="gmail_quote">On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 9:26 AM, Arun Sl <span dir="ltr"><<a href="mailto:arun.sl@tcs.com" target="_blank">arun.sl@tcs.com</a>></span> wrote:<br>
<blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0px 0px 0px 0.8ex;border-left-width:1px;border-left-color:rgb(204,204,204);border-left-style:solid;padding-left:1ex"><font face="sans-serif">Hello All,</font>
<br><font face="sans-serif">Got one more insight, which may help
further solving the issue.</font>
<br><font face="sans-serif">Going through the OpenGL ES extensions
I could see that only GL_EXT_disjoint_timer_query is mentioned and not
<li><font face="sans-serif">Ref: </font><a href="http://www.khronos.org/registry/gles/#spec2" target="_blank"><font face="sans-serif">www.khronos.org/registry/gles/#spec2</font></a></li></ul><font face="sans-serif">Is
this the reason the GPU profiling is not happening on Mobile platform using
OpenGL ES (as the specification itself is non existent)?</font>
<br><font face="sans-serif">I am trying to see in the apitrace code
if I can work this out, allowing the GL_EXT_disjoint_timer_query call.</font>
<br><font face="sans-serif">Anyone who have experience in the side,
kindly do let me know your view.</font>
<br><div class=""><font face="sans-serif"><br>
Thanks & Regards<br>
Arun S L</font>
</div><table width="100%" style="border-collapse:collapse">
<tbody><tr valign="top" height="8">
<td width="96" style="border:0px none rgb(0,0,0);padding:0px"><font size="1" color="#5f5f5f" face="sans-serif">From:</font>
</td><td style="border:0px none rgb(0,0,0);padding:0px"><font size="1" face="sans-serif">Arun
</td></tr><tr valign="top" height="8">
<td width="96" style="border:0px none rgb(0,0,0);padding:0px"><font size="1" color="#5f5f5f" face="sans-serif">To:</font>
</td><td style="border:0px none rgb(0,0,0);padding:0px"><font size="1" face="sans-serif"><a href="mailto:juha-pekka.heikkila@linux.intel.com" target="_blank">juha-pekka.heikkila@linux.intel.com</a></font>
</td></tr><tr height="8">
<td width="96" valign="top" style="border:0px none rgb(0,0,0);padding:0px"><font size="1" color="#5f5f5f" face="sans-serif">Cc:</font>
</td><td style="border:0px none rgb(0,0,0);padding:0px"><font size="1" face="sans-serif"><a href="mailto:apitrace@lists.freedesktop.org" target="_blank">apitrace@lists.freedesktop.org</a></font>
</td></tr><tr valign="top" height="8">
<td width="96" style="border:0px none rgb(0,0,0);padding:0px"><font size="1" color="#5f5f5f" face="sans-serif">Date:</font>
</td><td style="border:0px none rgb(0,0,0);padding:0px"><font size="1" face="sans-serif">12/13/2013
01:00 PM</font>
</td></tr><tr valign="top" height="8">
<td width="96" style="border:0px none rgb(0,0,0);padding:0px"><font size="1" color="#5f5f5f" face="sans-serif">Subject:</font>
</td><td style="border:0px none rgb(0,0,0);padding:0px"><font size="1" face="sans-serif">Re:
[apitrace] Regarding egl retrace</font></td></tr></tbody></table>
<hr noshade><div class="">
<br><font face="sans-serif">Hello Juha,<br>
Got my hands on a Google Nexus with Android 4.2.1 still I am getting the
following error while running the trace I took from an emulator.<br>
--pcpu works fine and I get the replay display properly.<br>
D:\>adb shell LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/data/local/tmp/1:LD_LIBRARY_PATH /data/local/tmp/1/eglretrace
--pcpu --pgpu /data/local/tmp/1/t1.trace<br>
# call no gpu_start gpu_dura cpu_start cpu_dura vsize_start vsize_dura
rss_start rss_dura pixels program name<br>
Error: Cannot run profile, GL_EXT_timer_query extension is not supported.<br>
Thought it was only a problem with Mesa Libraries in desktop, why same
error is shown while running on Nexus as well?<br>
One more doubt I have, while doing replay, I get the trace cut as the game
runs in landscape mode but in emulator the replay plays it in portrait
<br><font face="sans-serif"><i>------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</i></font>
<br><font color="#808080" face="Courier New"><i><br>
Thanks and Regards,<br>
</i></font></div><tt><font color="#808080"><i><a href="mailto:juha-pekka.heikkila@linux.intel.com" target="_blank">juha-pekka.heikkila@linux.intel.com</a>,
</i></font></tt><font color="#808080" face="Courier New"><i><br>
Arun S L</i></font>
<br><div class=""><font color="#a1009f" face="sans-serif"><br>
-----Arun Sl/HYD/TCS wrote: -----</font>
<br><font face="sans-serif">To: <a href="mailto:apitrace@lists.freedesktop.org" target="_blank">apitrace@lists.freedesktop.org</a><br>
From: Arun Sl/HYD/TCS<br>
Date: 12/03/2013 11:16AM<br>
cc: <a href="mailto:juha-pekka.heikkila@linux.intel.com" target="_blank">juha-pekka.heikkila@linux.intel.com</a><br>
Subject: Re: [apitrace] Regarding egl retrace<br>
Hello All,<br>
Can anyone in this list help me with the issues described in the mails
Thanks & Regards<br>
Arun S L<br>
</font></div><div class=""><font color="#424282" face="sans-serif">Juha-Pekka Heikkilä
---11/28/2013 05:21:56 PM---Hei Arun, This problem is a bit beyond me without
digging deeper with a debugger. I</font><font face="sans-serif"><br>
</div><table width="100%" style="border-collapse:collapse">
<tbody><tr valign="top" height="8">
<td width="21%" style="border:0px none rgb(0,0,0);padding:0px">
<br><font color="#5f5f5f">From:</font>
</td><td width="78%" style="border:0px none rgb(0,0,0);padding:0px"><font><br>
Juha-Pekka Heikkilä <<a href="mailto:juha-pekka.heikkila@linux.intel.com" target="_blank">juha-pekka.heikkila@linux.intel.com</a>></font>
</td></tr><tr valign="top" height="8">
<td style="border:0px none rgb(0,0,0);padding:0px">
<br><font color="#5f5f5f">To:</font>
</td><td style="border:0px none rgb(0,0,0);padding:0px"><font><br>
"Arun Sl" <<a href="mailto:arun.sl@tcs.com" target="_blank">arun.sl@tcs.com</a>></font>
</td></tr><tr valign="top" height="8">
<td style="border:0px none rgb(0,0,0);padding:0px">
<br><font color="#5f5f5f">Date:</font>
</td><td style="border:0px none rgb(0,0,0);padding:0px"><font><br>
11/28/2013 05:21 PM</font>
</td></tr><tr valign="top" height="8">
<td style="border:0px none rgb(0,0,0);padding:0px">
<br><font color="#5f5f5f">Subject:</font>
</td><td style="border:0px none rgb(0,0,0);padding:0px"><font><br>
Re: [apitrace] Regarding egl retrace</font></td></tr></tbody></table>
<br><div class=""><div class="h5">
<hr><font face="sans-serif"><br>
Hei Arun,<br>
This problem is a bit beyond me without digging deeper with a debugger.
think you would get good answers for this problem from the Apitrace list.<br>
I can see where the error is emitted from inside Mesa but don't really<br>
know what is causing it here.<br>
On Thu, November 28, 2013 1:08 pm, Arun Sl wrote:<br>
> Hello Juha,<br>
> I got the following error now:<br>
> $ glretrace --pgpu app_process.trace<br>
> # call no gpu_start gpu_dura cpu_start cpu_dura vsize_start vsize_dura<br>
> rss_start rss_dura pixels program name<br>
> X Error of failed request: GLXBadProfileARB<br>
> Major opcode of failed request: 153 (GLX)<br>
> Minor opcode of failed request: 34 ()<br>
> Serial number of failed request: 22<br>
> Current serial number in output stream: 20<br>
> PS: changed the subject line as we are now discussing a different
topic :)<br>
> Thanks & Regards<br>
> Arun S L<br>
> From:<br>
> Juha-Pekka Heikkilä <<a href="mailto:juha-pekka.heikkila@linux.intel.com" target="_blank">juha-pekka.heikkila@linux.intel.com</a>><br>
> To:<br>
> "Arun Sl" <<a href="mailto:arun.sl@tcs.com" target="_blank">arun.sl@tcs.com</a>><br>
> Date:<br>
> 11/28/2013 02:58 PM<br>
> Subject:<br>
> Re: [waffle] Compiling waffle against latest Android source tree<br>
> Hi Arun,<br>
> GL_EXT_timer_query is GL extension. You could try if glretracer works
> you on the desktop for profiling, the code that will be executed is
> the same inside Mesa. I don't know how other's use this in Apitrace
> you could ask on the Apitrace list, I am actually now also interested
> know. :)<br>
> Of course you have to remember the numbers you get from profiling
> desktop are not comparable to numbers you get from your embedded device<br>
> unless you are working with Intel GenX graphics also on the embedded<br>
> device. Different HW accelerators and different drivers even for the
> accelerator behave very differently.<br>
> /Juha-Pekka<br>
> On Thu, November 28, 2013 10:26 am, Arun Sl wrote:<br>
>> Hello Juha,<br>
>> I do not have a device with me to test right away, we are in process
>> procuring.<br>
>> I am not able to do gpu profiling for the traces taken on emulator
>> emulator or on desktop.<br>
>> My display hardware details are as follows:<br>
>> *-display<br>
>> description: VGA
compatible controller<br>
>> product: 2nd Generation
Core Processor Family Integrated<br>
>> Graphics Controller<br>
>> vendor: Intel
>> physical id: 2<br>
>> bus info: pci@0000:00:02.0<br>
>> version: 09<br>
>> width: 64 bits<br>
>> clock: 33MHz<br>
>> capabilities:
msi pm vga_controller bus_master cap_list rom<br>
>> configuration:
driver=i915 latency=0<br>
>> resources: irq:42
>> memory:d0000000-dfffffff ioport:f000(size=64)<br>
>> My desktop version when run for gpu profiling, it gives the following<br>
>> error (error is same when the binary is run for gpu profiling
>> amdroid emulator):<br>
>> ~$ eglretrace --pgpu app_process.trace<br>
>> libEGL warning: failed to create a pipe screen for i965<br>
>> # call no gpu_start gpu_dura cpu_start cpu_dura vsize_start vsize_dura<br>
>> rss_start rss_dura pixels program name<br>
>> Error: Cannot run profile, GL_EXT_timer_query extension is not<br>
> supported.<br>
>> I guess this means that the Mesa libraries for libEGL does not
have the<br>
>> GL_EXT_timer_query extention implemented. And since the same library
>> used in emulator also (as we are making use of host gpu capabilities
>> emulator) there also this fails. So to profile I will have to
have a<br>
> real<br>
>> device. Is there any update you may know which will help get gpu<br>
> profiling<br>
>> info on desktop?<br>
>> PS: if I run native openGL applications (I guess they make use
of libGL<br>
>> library), the GPU profiling works on desktop.<br>
>> Thanks & Regards<br>
>> Arun S L</font>
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