[Authentication] Some input

Dieter Plaetinck dieter at plaetinck.be
Fri Jul 10 11:40:54 PDT 2009

hi, I applaud your effort to formalize & standardize this.

I gave
a quick read and have some input.

"Secrets may be to the client application and vice versa." # be what?
"It is strongly recommended that client applications use to find items
rather than recording the object path of a stored item" # use what?
"A client application must have opened a session before a collection
can be created. The" # the... ?
"and prevent storage plain text storage of secrets in a swap file or
other caching mechanism." #storage storage ?

And now the "real" input, which are mostly just thoughts that popped
into my head:

- configurable encryption for persistent storage? algo, key size etc.
  gnupg integration?

- master password unlocks key, key unlocks data?

- can it be usable without dbus? some people don't like dbus. simple
  CLI program to query the database?

- datastore : some kind of binary format?

- ACL for apps: a plaintext config maintained by user? maybe itself
  stored within the secret storage?  would apparmor/selinux/.. already
  support something like this?

- unlocking ssh keys by unlocking the secret store? or the other way
  around: unlocking the secret store with an ssh key? or hell..
  make the secret store an ssh-agent ? gnupg? PAM ?
  type master pass once, have ssh/gnupg/pam (login) for free?

- the previous could be taken a step further: some people have
  encrypted blockdevices (hard disks) in Linux which they unlock at
  boot time (or in initramfs for / ), could this be integrated somehow?

Good work so far and keep it up.

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