[Authentication] CreateItem() @properties argument property names

Stef Walter stefw at collabora.co.uk
Mon Mar 14 14:01:40 PDT 2011

Something that Valentin brought up in another thread got me thinking.

The CreateItem() and CreateCollection() methods accepts a @properties
argument which is a a{sv} dict of the readwrite properties for the new
item/collection. The property names used in this argument assume that
the properties are for the org.freedesktop.Secret.Item or
org.freedesktop.Secret.Collection interface.

However in the future if item objects had additional properties on a new
interface, then these would be unusable with the CreateItem() or
CreateCollection() method.

I propose that we pass full property strings with interface + name to
CreateItem() and CreateCollection(). This is similar to how Telepathy
does this stuff.

For example instead of passing 'Label' in the CreateItem() @properties
argument we would pass 'org.freedesktop.Secret.Item.Label'

How does that sound?



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