Hello,<br><br>i'm one of the developpers of avahi:<br><a href="http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software_2fAvahi">http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software_2fAvahi</a><br><br>Avahi is a multicast dns /dns sd stack originally developped for linux, we ported it recently to Netbsd, MacOsx/Darwin, FreeBSD, and fairly soon to (open)solaris and OpenBSD.
<br><br>We have our own Api and also 2 compatibility layers that are API and ABI compatible with Howl and apple Bonjour apis.<br><br>We would be interested to discuss how we could cooperate as the 2 projects have the same goals.
<br><br>regards,<br>-- <br>Sebastien Estienne