[Beignet] *** SPAM LEVEL 4.053 *** Throwing the real world at Beignet

Simon Richter Simon.Richter at hogyros.de
Thu Apr 18 23:47:55 PDT 2013


On 19.04.2013 03:31, Lu, Guanqun wrote:

> I'm trying to test out your cl kernel. But met with the error that 'RayHit' is not defined. What other cl files should I include to make it work?

I see -- I was including it merely to give context to the error
messages. For actual tests, I think you will need the source tree.

> I'm new to the luxray library and confused when seeing there are lots of repo on its website: http://src.luxrender.net/

Yes, it appears to be a huge beast. I'm also quite new to the library;
so far I've made it build (straightforward) and run the CPU based
benchmarks (executables in the bin/ directory).


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