[Beignet] [PATCH 07/15] Backend: Add CalcTimestamp and StoreProfiling to insn_selection.

junyan.he at inbox.com junyan.he at inbox.com
Wed Aug 12 01:49:07 PDT 2015

From: Junyan He <junyan.he at linux.intel.com>

Signed-off-by: Junyan He <junyan.he at linux.intel.com>
 backend/src/backend/gen_context.cpp                |    5 +
 backend/src/backend/gen_context.hpp                |    2 +
 .../src/backend/gen_insn_gen7_schedule_info.hxx    |    2 +
 backend/src/backend/gen_insn_selection.cpp         |  131 ++++++++++++++++++++
 backend/src/backend/gen_insn_selection.hpp         |    8 ++
 backend/src/backend/gen_insn_selection.hxx         |    2 +
 6 files changed, 150 insertions(+)

diff --git a/backend/src/backend/gen_context.cpp b/backend/src/backend/gen_context.cpp
index e16b0a9..bf5af41 100644
--- a/backend/src/backend/gen_context.cpp
+++ b/backend/src/backend/gen_context.cpp
@@ -2148,6 +2148,11 @@ namespace gbe
     p->TYPED_WRITE(header, true, bti);
+  void GenContext::emitCalcTimestampInstruction(const SelectionInstruction &insn) {
+  }
+  void GenContext::emitStoreProfilingInstruction(const SelectionInstruction &insn) {
+  }
   void GenContext::setA0Content(uint16_t new_a0[16], uint16_t max_offset, int sz) {
     if (sz == 0)
       sz = 8;
diff --git a/backend/src/backend/gen_context.hpp b/backend/src/backend/gen_context.hpp
index 69fe513..c086d9e 100644
--- a/backend/src/backend/gen_context.hpp
+++ b/backend/src/backend/gen_context.hpp
@@ -168,6 +168,8 @@ namespace gbe
     void emitGetImageInfoInstruction(const SelectionInstruction &insn);
     virtual void emitI64MULInstruction(const SelectionInstruction &insn);
     virtual void emitI64DIVREMInstruction(const SelectionInstruction &insn);
+    void emitCalcTimestampInstruction(const SelectionInstruction &insn);
+    void emitStoreProfilingInstruction(const SelectionInstruction &insn);
     void scratchWrite(const GenRegister header, uint32_t offset, uint32_t reg_num, uint32_t reg_type, uint32_t channel_mode);
     void scratchRead(const GenRegister dst, const GenRegister header, uint32_t offset, uint32_t reg_num, uint32_t reg_type, uint32_t channel_mode);
     unsigned beforeMessage(const SelectionInstruction &insn, GenRegister bti, GenRegister flagTemp, unsigned desc);
diff --git a/backend/src/backend/gen_insn_gen7_schedule_info.hxx b/backend/src/backend/gen_insn_gen7_schedule_info.hxx
index d073770..9022d5d 100644
--- a/backend/src/backend/gen_insn_gen7_schedule_info.hxx
+++ b/backend/src/backend/gen_insn_gen7_schedule_info.hxx
@@ -43,3 +43,5 @@ DECL_GEN7_SCHEDULE(Atomic,          80,        1,        1)
 DECL_GEN7_SCHEDULE(I64MUL,          20,        40,      20)
 DECL_GEN7_SCHEDULE(I64SATADD,       20,        40,      20)
 DECL_GEN7_SCHEDULE(I64SATSUB,       20,        40,      20)
+DECL_GEN7_SCHEDULE(CalcTimestamp,   80,        1,        1)
+DECL_GEN7_SCHEDULE(StoreProfiling,   80,        1,        1)
diff --git a/backend/src/backend/gen_insn_selection.cpp b/backend/src/backend/gen_insn_selection.cpp
index 0256d24..8429cc7 100644
--- a/backend/src/backend/gen_insn_selection.cpp
+++ b/backend/src/backend/gen_insn_selection.cpp
@@ -662,6 +662,10 @@ namespace gbe
     void TYPED_WRITE(GenRegister *msgs, uint32_t msgNum, uint32_t bti, bool is3D);
     /*! Get image information */
     void GET_IMAGE_INFO(uint32_t type, GenRegister *dst, uint32_t dst_num, uint32_t bti);
+    /*! Calculate the timestamp */
+    void CALC_TIMESTAMP(GenRegister ts[4], int tsN, GenRegister tmp, uint32_t pointNum, uint32_t tsType);
+    /*! Store the profiling info */
+    void STORE_PROFILING(Reg ptr, uint32_t profilingType, uint32_t bti, GenRegister tmp0, GenRegister tmp1, GenRegister ts[4], int tsNum);
     /*! Multiply 64-bit integers */
     void I64MUL(Reg dst, Reg src0, Reg src1, GenRegister *tmp, bool native_long);
     /*! 64-bit integer division */
@@ -1750,6 +1754,48 @@ namespace gbe
       insn->dst(i + 1) = tmp[i];
+  void Selection::Opaque::CALC_TIMESTAMP(GenRegister ts[4], int tsN, GenRegister tmp, uint32_t pointNum, uint32_t tsType) {
+    SelectionInstruction *insn = this->appendInsn(SEL_OP_CALC_TIMESTAMP, tsN + 1, tsN);
+    for (int i = 0; i < tsN; i++) {
+      insn->src(i) = ts[i];
+      insn->dst(i) = ts[i];
+    }
+    insn->dst(tsN) = tmp;
+    insn->extra.pointNum = static_cast<uint16_t>(pointNum);
+    insn->extra.timestampType = static_cast<uint16_t>(tsType);
+  }
+  void Selection::Opaque::STORE_PROFILING(Reg ptr, uint32_t profilingType,
+      uint32_t bti, GenRegister tmp0, GenRegister tmp1, GenRegister ts[4], int tsNum) {
+    if (tsNum == 2) { // SIMD16 mode
+      SelectionInstruction *insn = this->appendInsn(SEL_OP_STORE_PROFILING, 1, 3);
+      insn->src(0) = ptr;
+      for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+        insn->src(i + 1) = ts[i];
+      insn->dst(0) = tmp0;
+      insn->extra.profilingType = static_cast<uint16_t>(profilingType);
+      insn->extra.profilingBTI = static_cast<uint16_t>(bti);
+    } else { // SIMD8 mode
+      GBE_ASSERT(tsNum == 4);
+      SelectionInstruction *insn = this->appendInsn(SEL_OP_STORE_PROFILING, 2, 5);
+      SelectionVector *dstVector = this->appendVector();
+      insn->src(0) = ptr;
+      for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+        insn->src(i + 1) = ts[i];
+      insn->dst(0) = tmp0;
+      insn->dst(1) = tmp1;
+      dstVector->regNum = 2;
+      dstVector->isSrc = 0;
+      dstVector->offsetID = 0;
+      dstVector->reg = &insn->dst(0);
+      insn->extra.profilingType = static_cast<uint16_t>(profilingType);
+      insn->extra.profilingBTI = static_cast<uint16_t>(bti);
+    }
+  }
   // Boiler plate to initialize the selection library at c++ pre-main
   static SelectionLibrary *selLib = NULL;
   static void destroySelectionLibrary(void) { GBE_DELETE(selLib); }
@@ -5059,6 +5105,89 @@ namespace gbe
+  class CalcTimestampInstructionPattern : public SelectionPattern
+  {
+  public:
+    CalcTimestampInstructionPattern(void) : SelectionPattern(1,1) {
+      this->opcodes.push_back(ir::OP_CALC_TIMESTAMP);
+    }
+    INLINE bool emit(Selection::Opaque &sel, SelectionDAG &dag) const {
+      using namespace ir;
+      const ir::CalcTimestampInstruction &insn = cast<ir::CalcTimestampInstruction>(dag.insn);
+      uint32_t pointNum = insn.getPointNum();
+      uint32_t tsType = insn.getTimestamptType();
+      GBE_ASSERT(sel.ctx.getSimdWidth() == 16 || sel.ctx.getSimdWidth() == 8);
+      GenRegister tmp;
+      GenRegister ts[4];
+      int tsNum;
+      if (sel.ctx.getSimdWidth() == 16) {
+        tmp = GenRegister::retype(sel.selReg(sel.reg(FAMILY_WORD)), GEN_TYPE_UD);
+        ts[0] = GenRegister::retype(sel.selReg(ir::ocl::profilingts0, ir::TYPE_U32), GEN_TYPE_UD);
+        ts[1] = GenRegister::retype(sel.selReg(ir::ocl::profilingts1, ir::TYPE_U32), GEN_TYPE_UD);
+	tsNum = 2;
+      } else {
+        tmp = GenRegister::retype(sel.selReg(sel.reg(FAMILY_DWORD)), GEN_TYPE_UD);
+        ts[0] = GenRegister::retype(sel.selReg(ir::ocl::profilingts0, ir::TYPE_U32), GEN_TYPE_UD);
+        ts[1] = GenRegister::retype(sel.selReg(ir::ocl::profilingts1, ir::TYPE_U32), GEN_TYPE_UD);
+        ts[2] = GenRegister::retype(sel.selReg(ir::ocl::profilingts2, ir::TYPE_U32), GEN_TYPE_UD);
+        ts[3] = GenRegister::retype(sel.selReg(ir::ocl::profilingts3, ir::TYPE_U32), GEN_TYPE_UD);
+	tsNum = 4;
+      }
+      sel.push(); {
+        sel.curr.flag = 0;
+        sel.curr.subFlag = 1;
+        sel.CALC_TIMESTAMP(ts, tsNum, tmp, pointNum, tsType);
+      } sel.pop();
+      markAllChildren(dag);
+      return true;
+    }
+  };
+  class StoreProfilingInstructionPattern : public SelectionPattern
+  {
+  public:
+    StoreProfilingInstructionPattern(void) : SelectionPattern(1,1) {
+      this->opcodes.push_back(ir::OP_STORE_PROFILING);
+    }
+    INLINE bool emit(Selection::Opaque &sel, SelectionDAG &dag) const {
+      using namespace ir;
+      const ir::StoreProfilingInstruction &insn = cast<ir::StoreProfilingInstruction>(dag.insn);
+      GenRegister ptr = sel.selReg(insn.getSrc(0), ir::TYPE_U32);
+      uint32_t profilingType = insn.getProfilingType();
+      uint32_t BTI = insn.getBTI();
+      GBE_ASSERT(sel.ctx.getSimdWidth() == 16 || sel.ctx.getSimdWidth() == 8);
+      GenRegister tmp0;
+      GenRegister tmp1;
+      GenRegister ts[4];
+      int tsNum;
+      if (sel.ctx.getSimdWidth() == 16) {
+        tmp0 = GenRegister::retype(sel.selReg(sel.reg(FAMILY_DWORD)), GEN_TYPE_UD);
+        ts[0] = GenRegister::retype(sel.selReg(ir::ocl::profilingts0, ir::TYPE_U32), GEN_TYPE_UD);
+        ts[1] = GenRegister::retype(sel.selReg(ir::ocl::profilingts1, ir::TYPE_U32), GEN_TYPE_UD);
+        ts[2] = GenRegister::retype(sel.selReg(ir::ocl::profilingts2, ir::TYPE_U32), GEN_TYPE_UD);
+        ts[3] = GenRegister::retype(sel.selReg(ir::ocl::profilingts3, ir::TYPE_U32), GEN_TYPE_UD);
+        tsNum = 2;
+      } else {
+        tmp0 = GenRegister::retype(sel.selReg(sel.reg(FAMILY_DWORD)), GEN_TYPE_UD);
+        tmp1 = GenRegister::retype(sel.selReg(sel.reg(FAMILY_DWORD)), GEN_TYPE_UD);
+        ts[0] = GenRegister::retype(sel.selReg(ir::ocl::profilingts0, ir::TYPE_U32), GEN_TYPE_UD);
+        ts[1] = GenRegister::retype(sel.selReg(ir::ocl::profilingts1, ir::TYPE_U32), GEN_TYPE_UD);
+        ts[2] = GenRegister::retype(sel.selReg(ir::ocl::profilingts2, ir::TYPE_U32), GEN_TYPE_UD);
+        ts[3] = GenRegister::retype(sel.selReg(ir::ocl::profilingts3, ir::TYPE_U32), GEN_TYPE_UD);
+        tsNum = 4;
+      }
+      sel.push(); {
+        sel.curr.flag = 0;
+        sel.curr.subFlag = 1;
+        sel.STORE_PROFILING(ptr, profilingType, BTI, tmp0, tmp1, ts, tsNum);
+      } sel.pop();
+      markAllChildren(dag);
+      return true;
+    }
+  };
   /*! Branch instruction pattern */
   class BranchInstructionPattern : public SelectionPattern
@@ -5287,6 +5416,8 @@ namespace gbe
+    this->insert<CalcTimestampInstructionPattern>();
+    this->insert<StoreProfilingInstructionPattern>();
     // Sort all the patterns with the number of instructions they output
diff --git a/backend/src/backend/gen_insn_selection.hpp b/backend/src/backend/gen_insn_selection.hpp
index ffc79e1..c779ef1 100644
--- a/backend/src/backend/gen_insn_selection.hpp
+++ b/backend/src/backend/gen_insn_selection.hpp
@@ -132,6 +132,14 @@ namespace gbe
       uint32_t barrierType;
       bool longjmp;
       uint32_t indirect_offset;
+      struct {
+        uint32_t pointNum:16;
+        uint32_t timestampType:16;
+      };
+      struct {
+        uint32_t profilingType:16;
+        uint32_t profilingBTI:16;
+      };
     } extra;
     /*! Gen opcode */
     uint8_t opcode;
diff --git a/backend/src/backend/gen_insn_selection.hxx b/backend/src/backend/gen_insn_selection.hxx
index adbb137..90fb130 100644
--- a/backend/src/backend/gen_insn_selection.hxx
+++ b/backend/src/backend/gen_insn_selection.hxx
@@ -90,3 +90,5 @@ DECL_SELECTION_IR(ENDIF, UnaryInstruction)
 DECL_SELECTION_IR(ELSE, UnaryInstruction)

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