[Beignet] [PATCH 3/5] Add doc for CL Intel performance query extension

Zhenyu Wang zhenyuw at linux.intel.com
Tue May 12 00:33:00 PDT 2015

Signed-off-by: Zhenyu Wang <zhenyuw at linux.intel.com>
 docs/performance_query | 95 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 95 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 docs/performance_query

diff --git a/docs/performance_query b/docs/performance_query
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa788c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/performance_query
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+#CL Intel performance query extension
+This is based on https://www.opengl.org/registry/specs/INTEL/performance_query.txt
+Kernel i915 PMU driver would provide hardware counter query interface
+based on linux perf syscall. CL driver uses perf syscall to create and
+get performance counters info related to compute engine.
+##clGetFirstQueryIdIntel(cl_context ctx, cl_uint *queryId)
+Get initial perf query Id.
+##clGetNextPerfQueryIdIntel(cl_context ctx, cl_uint queryId, cl_uint *nextQueryId)
+Get next perf query Id. If nextQueryId is equal to queryId, means there's no other queries.
+##clGetPerfQueryInfoIntel(cl_context ctx,
+			cl_uint queryId,
+			cl_uint queryNameLength, cl_char *queryName,
+			cl_uint *dataSize, cl_uint *noCounters,
+			cl_uint *noInstances)
+For specified queryId, get perf query information.
+dataSize: means the size for perf data buffer
+noCounters: means how much perf counters are contained.
+	    counterId counts from 0 ~ (noCounters - 1).
+noInstances: means how much simultaneously active instances can be,
+	     currently one instance is allowed.
+##clGetPerfCounterInfoIntel(cl_context ctx,
+			  cl_uint queryId, cl_uint counterId,
+			  cl_uint counterNameLength, cl_char *counterName,
+			  cl_uint counterDescLength, cl_char *counterDesc,
+			  cl_uint *counterOffset, cl_uint *counterDataSize,
+			  cl_uint *counterTypeEnum, cl_uint *counterDataTypeEnum,
+			  cl_ulong *rawCounterMaxValue)
+Get specified counter info with counterId for queryId.
+counterOffset: counter offset in perf data buffer
+counterDataSize: counter data size
+counterTypeEnum: defined in CL/cl_intel.h
+	#define PERFQUERY_COUNTER_EVENT_INTEL                0x94F0
+	#define PERFQUERY_COUNTER_RAW_INTEL                  0x94F4
+	#define PERFQUERY_COUNTER_DATA_UINT32_INTEL          0x94F8
+	#define PERFQUERY_COUNTER_DATA_UINT64_INTEL          0x94F9
+rawCounterMaxValue: max counter value
+##clCreatePerfQueryIntel(cl_context context, cl_uint queryId, cl_perf_query_intel *queryHandle)
+Create a perf query instance, returned in queryHandle.
+At any time only one type of perf query could be enabled. And how much query
+instance could be enabled, depends on "noInstances" parameters in clGetPerfQueryInfoIntel()
+##clDeletePerfQueryIntel(cl_context context, cl_perf_query_intel queryHandle)
+Destroy a perf query instance.
+##clBeginPerfQueryIntel(cl_context context, cl_perf_query_intel queryHandle)
+Mark the begin of perf query instance.
+##clEndPerfQueryIntel(cl_context context, cl_perf_query_intel queryHandle)
+Mark the end of perf query instance.
+##clGetPerfQueryDataIntel(cl_context context,
+			cl_perf_query_intel queryHandle,
+			cl_uint flags, size_t dataSize, void *data,
+			cl_uint *bytesWritten)
+Get data for last instance query.
+dataSize: perf query's data size
+data: return perf data for last query
+bytesWritten: actual written bytes
+After got perf data, use perf counters' info about counter offset and
+data size in perf buffer, to get value for counters.

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