<div dir="ltr"><div><div>Hi,</div><div> I have some questions/ suggestions to this exciting project..</div><div>hope you can answer some of those:</div><div> </div><div>1) I think on obtaining a Haswell laptop.. there is right now support for it? if not how easy it's to support it can we expect soon after launch? also what's the plan for new Intel GPUs coming each year.. i.e. can we expect say Intel 2014 graphics (boradwell?) OpenCL support in beignet at launch? thanks..</div>
<div>2) I would like to port to Linux some deferred+ (AMD tech) OpenCL kernel I have which requires new MSAA and depth extensions (cl_khr_gl_msaa_sharing cl_khr_depth_images) which are provided in Intel new Windows OpenCL SDK, providing creation of this kind of images from GL textures..</div>
<div>I see progress in trunk is very fast.. so there is a roadmap for implementing this new 1.2 extensions?<font face="CourierNewPS-BoldMT"><font face="Arial"><br></font></font>3) last thing is Intel Win OpenCL provides interop with Media SDK.. Intel has already a program in place for Media SDK Linux which seems to wrap around VAAPI for encoding/decoding support.. so question is if Intel can provide in some future (in time for public Media SDK for Linux) some samples exposing either VAAPI/beignet interop for encode/decode or better Media SDK Linux/beignet interop.. i.e. put on par support of Video/compute scenarios similar to Windows OpenCL platform..</div>