Reposting since the first message was apparently scrubbed....<br><br>Hi,<br><br>I am seeing some strange behavior with the cairo context
when I create it using gdk. I built libgdk-x11-2.0 against cairo 1.3
just to be sure it wasn't an ABI issue, but I see the problem
<br>The attached test program demonstrates the problem.<br><br>Move another window around over the application window and look at the print out. <br><br>I would expect to see stroke extents of (-1.0, -1.0, 11.0, 11.0)<br>
<br>Instead I see extents that are strangely similar to the coordinates of the GdkEvent rectangle.<br><br>This program works fine with cairo-1.2.4.<br><br>Thanks<br>Bob Gibbs<br><br><br>##############################<div id="mb_0">
<br>import gtk, cairo<br><br>def on_expose(da, event):<br><br> c = da.window.cairo_create()<br> c.identity_matrix()<br> c.scale(2,2)<br> c.new_path()<br> c.rectangle(0, 0, 10, 10)<br> # Move another window around over this one.
<br> print c.stroke_extents()<br> # !!! What's wrong here? I should get (-1.0, -1.0, 11.0, 11.0)<br> # but I get something that reflects values from the GdkEventExpose struct<br><br>w = gtk.Window()<br>w.set_size_request
(600, 600)<br><br>w.connect('delete-event', gtk.main_quit)<br>da = gtk.DrawingArea()<br>w.add(da)<br>da.connect('expose-event', on_expose)<br><br>w.show_all()<br>gtk.main()<br><br></div>