[Clipart] clipart and assetml

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at free.fr
Thu Jun 3 13:34:21 PDT 2004

I just found your clipart project. It's good news for me. As the main
developper of gcompris (http://ofset.sf.net/gcompris), I am always
looking after cute drawings. I even already reused 3 icons from your
project ;) for the next gcompris release.

Beside the thanks, I come to you to introduce a software project I
created that could be of interrest for you. It's called assetml. 
Here is a description of the project: http://www.ofset.org/assetml

As for the status, it works, I use it in gcompris and it's a valuable
tool. The only drawback is the performance. You cannot use it for fast
items access but for image browsing it's excellent (it could also be
improved for speed).

If a such feature and resources was widely available in linux, we could
add an image gallery with keywords in applications like inkscape,
oo.org, gimp, ... I personnaly would love that.

Not sure it's clear enough. Don't hesitate to come back to me.

What do you think of it, the implementation or the concept?


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