[Clipart] Tasks for 'openclipart' package

"Áki G. Karlsson" aki at akademia.is
Wed Jun 9 14:58:58 PDT 2004

It is a radically different thing maintaining the clipart per se and 
maintaining releases/packages IMHO. It would be desirable to have 
official releases of openclipart.org with just a selection of the 
clipart otherwise accessible on the website... Such an "approved" 
collection could maintain a certain consistency (in terms of content and 
categorization) through releases while the website pool could be "open 
to the point of promiscuity". In that case the official package should 
be maintained as such by some capable people with the needs of the 
specific targets (OpenOffice, Scribus, gcompris) in mind, while we 
irresponsible dumplings could go on with our vector reveries and just be 
happy *if* some of our work gets included...

If there is the possibility to maintain several individual packages 
through cvs (other than openclipart.org - I vote for that name), so much 
the better.

I think, however, that the pool should be accessible on the website, 
preferably through some browseable index of thumbnails... like most of 
the other clipart sites I've used. It is what one would expect of a 
"clipart site".



Bryce Harrington wrote:

>On Wed, 9 Jun 2004, Jeremy C. Reed wrote:
>>On Wed, 9 Jun 2004, Bryce Harrington wrote:
>>>   * Replace niku's items with the newer ones.  Perhaps consider leaving
>>>     niku's stuff out of this package, if he'll be providing his own,
>>>     if that's easier for him.
>>It would be nice if our project offered a comprehensive download with all
>>clipart. That way it would be easy to go to one place and download only
>>one tarball.
>True, especially as the number of packages grows.  However at this point
>in time the issue is one of maintenance.  If other people are actively
>maintaining clipart packages, then I don't want to duplicate effort,
>since there's enough to do with what isn't being actively maintained.  ;-)
>If someone wants to set up a package-o-packages or something, that'd be
>>>   * Make the batchsvgtopng script work
>>Where is this (our?) batchsvgtopng available for download? So we can test
>It's in the package.  Get the emodule 'openclipart' from our CVS and
>it is in the root directory.  Thanks.
>>>leaving the png-only clipart as separate packages, and am leaving the
>>>flags out, since I think Sodipodi is still maintaining that; hopefully
>>>they'll make a new release of that.  In general, if someone else wishes
>>>to maintain a subset of the clipart, then we should just mirror their
>>>packages; this openclipart package should just be for items that aren't
>>>being maintained as part of other packages.
>>If we can we should still include other clipart in ours.
>The issue for me, though, is maintenance.  For example, since niku has
>been continuing development of his work and made improvements, now I'm
>faced with fishing out his items from the current package and replacing
>them with the new ones, perhaps including recategorizing or re-adding
>the XMP data.  And Niku is a best case example, because he works closely
>with us, and I'm sure will be quite willing to help figure out a good
>solution.  For other clipart, though, we may not have any contact with
>the maintaners at all, so would need to do major maintenance revision
>work each time they release a new package of their work.  
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>clipart at freedesktop.org

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