[Clipart] Roadmap

Bryce Harrington bryce at bryceharrington.com
Fri Jun 25 11:26:34 PDT 2004

On Fri, 25 Jun 2004, Jon Phillips wrote:
> I also updated the roadmap for this release. We decided to solicit for
> SUMMER themed clipart right? We should formulate and send out an email
> very broadly with a specific deadline. Do you all agree? It is important
> in soliciting to provide a deadline, otherwise folks will continuously
> procrastinate.

I was thinking for this release and maybe the next one, to keep it kind
of low key, since for me the objective is just to struggle through a lot
of the process and tool issues and get the release process better
automated.  Getting a couple low-key releases under our belts will build
up our ability to scale it up as needed in the future.  Also, I think
being able to point to a string of successful scheduled releases will be
that much more encouragement for people to submit materials in a timely

I also think we'd want to wait on soliciting heavily until the upload
tool is in place, so it's easier for people to submit stuff.


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