[Clipart] Upload script (using SVG::Metadata Release 0.08)

Jonadab the Unsightly One jonadab at bright.net
Sat Jun 26 07:34:38 PDT 2004

Bryce Harrington wrote:
> The only change is a fix to a bug found by Jonadab - the author()
> accessor function was missing, which caused an error in to_rdf().

Yep, that fixed it.  Here's a _very_slightly_ tested and apparently
working upload script (attached).  There are three variables at the
top that will have to be changed to match the directory structure
of the site; the first one is for a temp directory (which hopefully
is cleaned out periodically on a cron job and does not have to be
world-readable, but the user the script runs as needs read/write
privileges) and the other two are the filesystem path and the URI
path for the location where the resulting SVGs should be published.

There's also a fourth variable, $style, which just gets interpolated
inside the <head> section of every generated page, right below
the <title> element.  It's intended mostly for linking in an
external stylesheet -- I grabbed the URI for that right out of
the main page of the site.

With this in place, I'll be able re-upload the images I've
contributed (both of them[1]) complete with metadata :-)

[1]  I'm not really much of an artist -- hence I came looking
      for clipart.
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