[Clipart] Anyone try librsvg2 on the clipart

Jeremy C. Reed reed at reedmedia.net
Sat Jul 9 09:00:55 PDT 2005

On Sat, 9 Jul 2005, Matthew Gates wrote:

> They closed the bug as CVS head doesn't have the [crash] problem.  I
> verified this.  I contacted one of the guys (domZzz) on irc.gnome.org /
> #librsvg asking if he had a schedule for the next release, but he said he
> didn't know.
> I also did some investigation into making a patch to fix this bug only,
> but it looks like CVS head is quite substantially re-written in the area
> where the bug is.  I'm not so interested as to go through every CVS
> revision and see if there's a small change that fixes it...  :)
> So I guess we have to wait for the next release.  Maybe asking nicely for
> one would speed it up.  Not sure who to address that to though - distros,
> gnome, or librsvg...

Thank you for reporting this.

It may be useful to use librsvg's rsvg tool to do mass conversions of all 
of OCAL to look for other potential issues. This could help OCAL and rsvg.
Maybe automate each month and/or on every submission.

  Jeremy C. Reed

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