[Clipart] update 0.19 ??

Michael Moore stuporglue at gmail.com
Sat Apr 1 16:30:00 PST 2006

> Hi there,
> I've been following the development of the open clipart library for
> more then a year. I expected the 0.19 release some time ago and it
> seems to be hanging for quite a while now. Please provide some
> information on your web server on its progress and/or issues.
> A long period of no information is not a good sign and there may be
> people who can help in completing the release !!
> Thans and
> Keep up the good work !! J.S.

Hi there, I'm working on the release now. I started it a couple weeks
ago, then a school project got in the way. I finished that last
Thursday, and will be hopefully wrapping up the 0.19 release this
week. Pending an earthquake, death or another huge school project...I
think it should happen.

Michael Moore
www.stuporglue.org -- Donate your used computer to a student that needs it.
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