[Clipart] Suggestions for future enhancements for clipart uploads

Stephen Silver ocalocal at btinternet.com
Tue Aug 22 05:26:14 PDT 2006

Michael Moore wrote:

> 3) There's a huge range in image sizes. You could import a computer
> mouse and it'd be 3 inches tall on the screen, then import the monitor
> that was next to it in the folder, only to find yourself with a 1 inch
> tall monitor.
> Someday it might be nice to be able to address these issues in the
> upload process. Add all elements to a group, resize the image so that
> when it's imported (or viewed in Firefox/Opera) it's a standard-ish
> size, and make the bounding box fit the image so printing and
> thumbnail rendering is correct.

Ideally, I think they should all be sizeless (no width and height,
just a viewBox).  Then any decent SVG viewer will automatically
scale them to fit the viewing area (and resize them if the viewing
area is changed).  This is much better than a fixed size, which
will usually be either too big for the viewing area, or too small.

Stephen Silver

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