I'm agree with Steren: it's more useful search clipart.<br><br>The frst solution could be:<br>- change the HTML page (body.tpl?) and replace .<br><pre><<span>input</span><span> type</span>=<span>"hidden" </span><span>name</span>=<span>"search_in" </span><span>value</span>=<span>"3"</span><span><span>/</span></span>><br>
with:<br><pre><<span>input</span><span> type</span>=<span>"hidden" </span><span>name</span>=<span>"search_in" </span><span>value</span>=<span>"2"</span><span><span>/</span></span>><br>
<br></pre>The second, and more sophisticated, could be put 3, if the user is
in the persons page, and 2 in other case. The text, search, must change
too: search or search person. <br><br>More improvments: in the result page the top text "search again" is confused because it make a advanced search.<br>And there is no way to obtain a second page of results.<br>