Sigh.<br><br>I was hoping to avoid reading the Berne Convention. However. I guess I must if I want to understand it clearer. :D<br><br>I wonder what NZ copyright is based on, since it was loosely based on US copyright laws. I wonder if we've kept up to date.<br>
<br>Seriously...current copyright legislation sucks. It doesn't do what it's intentions are. Or rather, it does it too well to the detriment of creativity and progress, at the cost of greed and selfshiness.<br><br>
This has been another volatile particle emission from chovynz. Proudly brought to you by way of the air waves. Copyright me, 2009. All attribution to me shall not be held in court. I'll deny all knowledge of quoted emissions. No emissions tax shall be held liable. Please don't sue my dog either. <br>