Hi folk!<br><br>Again with data of 12/dic/2010, i made some stats:<br><br><br><br>total of user uploads (all format, png, svg) : 15,878,655 (1)<br>total of user uploads (only svg): 13,399,497 (2)<br><br>
<br>artist more uploaded (consider PNG and SVG):<br>=========================================<br>user_name OD PORC FILES RATIO<br>johnny_automatic 1837674 11.57 3547 518 download per file<br>
Anonymous 1014888 6.39 2840 357<br>nicubunu 566791 3.57 1274 445<br>Gerald_G 465473 2.93 809 575<br>ryanlerch 348889 2.20 362 964<br>Machovka 287024 1.81 460 624<br>
Chrisdesign 261503 1.65 268 976<br>liftarn 260321 1.64 333 782<br>molumen 259944 1.64 271 959<br>warszawianka 221324 1.39 548 404<br>rg1024 198725 1.25 359 554<br>
ArtFavor 189209 1.19 1004 188<br>papapishu 189132 1.19 392 482<br>inky2010 184757 1.16 525 352<br>zeimusu 154229 0.97 194 795<br>yves_guillou 148600 0.94 400 372<br>
jean_victor_balin 147421 0.93 320 461<br>rejon 132341 0.83 1296 102<br>mystica 117743 0.74 212 555<br>Peileppe 115617 0.73 126 918<br>pitr 111383 0.70 185 602<br>
shokunin 98899 0.62 219 452<br>laobc 98035 0.62 208 471<br>netalloy 93916 0.59 267 352<br>cibo00 89611 0.56 185 484<br><br>conclusion: johnny_automatic is god!<br>
<br><br>ARTISTS BY RATIO ( number of uploads / number of files)<br>============================================<br><br>BEST(4).<br>username RATIO FILES<br>----------------------------<br>rgtaylor_csc 6305 7<br>axcesar 4846 2<br>
ajith 4623 1<br>gabe_anguiano 4520 1<br>Darth_Gimp 4410 5<br>bubba 4268 1<br>juanjo 4074 4<br>no_hope 4039 1<br>adolflow 3755 1<br>Fadookie 3716 1<br>hce 3708 1<br>
Voxxi 3584 1<br>brucewestfall 3207 1<br>stephantom 3166 1<br>msewtz 3162 1<br>mola 3112 1<br>Lynx 3077 1<br>Ts-Pc 2981 1<br>dokuro 2981 1<br>manders2006 2944 1<br>
hatemeidc7 2929 1<br>lagartoflojo 2911 1<br>grimgiant 2900 2<br>xxv 2898 1<br>gopher 2888 3<br><br>Conclusion: sometime less is more..<br><br>WORST (5)<br>user_name RATIO<br>---------------------------<br>
xavowski 7<br>lemasney 7<br>yodomark 15<br>Ulomar 16<br>Spirit_Walker 16<br>nascent26 30<br>yasinergene 35<br>Lone Coder 38<br>sitphong 62<br>kdegames 62<br>radiopiromania 62<br>
elmodos 63<br>miltiadis 73<br>matheus 73<br>Rombicovh 84<br>CrLz 89<br>majo 90<br>stvdns 90<br>vicing 91<br>Ariniko 94<br>morits 96<br>schicchero 97<br>jars 102<br>rejon 102<br>
arnelsx 102<br><br>Conclusion: fortunately, Rejon is more better community manager than drawner ;-)<br><br>UPLOADS per DAY (6)<br><br>the num of uploads is accumulative (old clip arts have more uploads)<br>cliparts by num_upload divided by days in open-clipart (sorry but we have not upload date before 2006/2/11 (aprox 5,000 cliparts)<br>
<br>user clipart-id nº of download per day<br>=================================<br>fitorec 86989 191<br><a href="mailto:leandrosciola@gmail.com">leandrosciola@gmail.com</a> 63763 49<br>jaschon 92725 48<br>
inky2010 86479 39<br>Martouf 81865 36<br>inky2010 93463 36<br>inky2010 93445 35<br>inky2010 87949 31<br>vwanweb 81331 28<br>inky2010 94393 25<br>Ts-Pc 85075 24<br>
russel 74179 23<br>mireille 93655 23<br>rg1024 94723 23<br>luciancaetano 63895 23<br>shokunin 68317 22<br>gustavorezende 74497 22<br>netalloy 88201 22<br>inky2010 94459 21<br>
14thWarrior 83479 21<br>mola 79399 20<br>netalloy 87961 20<br>netalloy 88753 20<br>mireille 93487 20<br>inky2010 94243 20<br><a href="mailto:leandrosciola@gmail.com">leandrosciola@gmail.com</a> 64771 19<br>
rones 88717 18<br>inky2010 90895 18<br>momoko 8780 18<br>rones 68203 18<br><br>conclusion: leandrosciola!! inky2010!! netalloy!!<br><br><br><br><br><br>SQL ( before chovny ask it ;-)<br><br>
(1) select sum(file_num_download) from ocal_files where upload_config='media'<br>(2) select sum(file_num_download) from ocal_files where upload_config='media' and filename rlike ".svg"<br><br>(3) select user_name, sum(file_num_download) as OD, round( (sum(file_num_download)/15878655)*100,2) as PORC, count(id) as FILES, round(sum(file_num_download)/count(id),0) as RATIO from ocal_files where upload_config='media' group by user_name order by OD Desc limit 25<br>
<br>(4) select user_name, round(sum(file_num_download)/count(id),0) as RATIO, count(id) AS FILES from ocal_files where upload_config='media' group by user_name order by RATIO Desc limit 25<br><br>(5) select user_name, round(sum(file_num_download)/count(id),0) as RATIO from ocal_files where upload_config='media' group by user_name order by RATIO ASC limit 25<br>
<br>(6) SELECT user_name,id, round(file_num_download / datediff ( curdate(), upload_date ),0) as RATIO from ocal_files WHERE upload_date> 0 Order by RATIO DESC<br><br>