<b><font size="4">To System Gods and OCAL developers</font></b><br><br>You now have a Headquarters.<br>Check it out.<br><a href="http://www.openclipart.org/sysgodHQ">http://www.openclipart.org/sysgodHQ</a><br><br>It's slowly getting populated by the things we need to quickly see what we have available and what we need to use. Eventually this will probably be split into relevant sections and pages, but for now, it's doing it's job.<br>
<br>Let me know what you think and how we could improve it.<br><br><font size="4"><b>Languages</b></font><br><br>One thing, While doing this I found the dictionary for aiki. It occurs to me that we could easily do something similar for the tags of all clipart in OCAL. <br>
e.g. User Preferences> Language select > German = ocal_users > language = german<br><a href="http://www.openclipart.org/detail/1033">http://www.openclipart.org/detail/1033</a><br>populate tag list with (select from tag_list where (language = (ocal_users > language ) and ((upload_name)) = clipart number = upload name<br>
<b>english | </b>fruit , apple , food , red <br><b>german | </b>Frucht , Äpfel , Lebensmittel , rot <br><b>french</b> | <span id="result_box" class="short_text" lang="fr"><span title="Click for alternate translations" class="hps">fruit</span><span class="" title="Click for alternate translations">, pomme</span><span class="" title="Click for alternate translations">, de la nourriture</span><span class="" title="Click for alternate translations">,</span> <span title="Click for alternate translations" class="hps">rouge<br>
<br>The benefit of this way as opposed to automatic translation, is later, when we are able to open up tag editing to the registered members, (If we choose to do that,) then people can put in their own tags in their own languages relevant TO that language.<br>
</span></span><br> <br>--Cheers<br>Chovynz<br>