Ocal work done:<br><ul><li>Updated the search engine to return newest clipart to start at page 1. Oldest clipart will now appear on the last page.</li><li>You already know about the clipart comments being available on the clipart manager page. (My Clipart at your top right control panel). If you didn't before, you do now.<br>
</li><li>Tagged some untagged clipart. :( The number is growing, not reducing... hint hint librarians.</li><li>All librarians can change the text of the website, for all text that is not automatically generated. You can see the available pages here: <a href="http://www.openclipart.org/editpagecontentwiki">http://www.openclipart.org/editpagecontentwiki</a> </li>
<li>cleaned up the bugs and blueprints listed.</li><li>Did a little bit of work on nsfw filter checks. (i.e. it'll allow you to browse with nsfw turned on or off. Not finished yet.)<br></li></ul><br>-- <br>Cheers<br>Chovynz<br>