HI<br><br>I am not an artist (far from it) but I need help from some digital graphic artists to look at a vector graphic application I have produced and give me some feedback and perhaps contribute. The links to see the application are below<br>
<br>help pages <a href="https://sites.google.com/site/canvasdraw/" target="_blank">https://sites.google.com/site/canvasdraw/</a><br>
drawing site <a href="http://canvas-draw.appspot.com/" target="_blank">http://canvas-draw.appspot.com/</a><br><br>A little bit about myself to put the application in context. I am a retired maths teacher in the UK, I have always enjoyed programming and have made a hobby of it but, as you'll guess from the web sites, have little artistic or design abilities. I was looking for a new project to dabble in and having done some playing around with the <canvas> tag in HTML5 realised that the lack of any editor for it gave scope for a project. So I produced an application that gives a what you see is what you draw editor. <br>
<br>What I would appreciate is for some artists to do one or some of the following<br><br><ol><li>have a look at the site and give me some feedback on how it could be improved</li><li>produce a drawing for storing in the gallery - any drawing stored in the gallery can have a link to the artists web site</li>
<li>collaborate in improving the look of the site.</li></ol>Thank you very much for your time and I hope to hear from you.<br><br>Regards<br><br>John<br>