"Yes, I chose to remove hidden comments from detail pages for all, to<br>
keep clutter on those pages to a minimum. When I was testing & had 50<br>
hidden comments on the detail page, it was distracting. I assume the<br>
hide function is more for regular users and delete is the primary tool<br>
of librarians-admins?<br>
Maybe buttons can be added to that commentsearch page to deal with the<br>
comments in question without having to go to the detail page at all?<br>
Probably should file a bug or blueprint."<br><br>did.<br><a href="https://blueprints.launchpad.net/openclipart/+spec/add-comment-manage-buttons-to-comments-searchpage">https://blueprints.launchpad.net/openclipart/+spec/add-comment-manage-buttons-to-comments-searchpage</a><br>
<br>I fiddled around with the search page, but didn't really add anything of value. I don't have the headspace to figure this out at the moment.<br>search page widget : 1213<br>CnP from detail page, but it doesn't want to work like im trying to brute force it to work. User logic error. :)<br clear="all">
<br>-- <br>Cheers<br>Chovynz<br>