[compiz] 0.4 release

David Reveman davidr at novell.com
Tue Feb 27 07:05:00 PST 2007

On Tue, 2007-02-27 at 11:35 -0700, Mike Cook wrote:
> >>> On Mon, 2007- 02- 26 at 17:23 +0100, David Reveman wrote:
> > I think the current state of the 0.4 branch is pretty good and I'd like
> > to just get the release out asap so we can focus on moving on. If anyone
> > got fixes or bugs that they like to see fixed let us know.
> I've noticed that on a dual-head setup using the switcher zoom effect and
> also with autorotate that only the image within that output is drawn and
> anything on the other output is black.  So, the switcher zoom has a black
> border around each output as it zooms out, and on autorotate the cube
> looks like it has one half of the side painted and the other half black (on
> each output).  Rotate with the keys or mouse works fine, however.
> I went back to builds from a few weeks ago and still see the problem,
> so I'm not sure if it's just a setting that has crept in or if I just hadn't
> noticed it.

I'm aware of the issue with windows being incorrectly clipped while
zoomed. I guess this is what you're seeing. I know how to fix this, it's
a pretty big fix though so I'm not sure it will go into 0.4. I'll write
the fix and we'll see. I don't plan on including the auto-rotate feature
in 0.4.

- David

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