[compiz] sticky windows and rotate focus

Steve Leung sjleung at shaw.ca
Tue Mar 6 06:28:33 PST 2007

On Mon, Mar 05, 2007 at 04:36:38PM +0100, David Reveman wrote:

> I don't like to add special treatment to sticky windows because they are
> often used in a specific way but I guess it's not too bad and I don't
> have a better solution right now. Do you know what other WMs are doing
> about this problem?

Hm... Other WMs seem to keep an idea of what was the most recently 
focused window on each workspace.  Moving back to that workspace simply 
refocuses that window, and sticky windows aren't treated specially.

That actually seems pretty simple, and I'm struggling to think of why 
compiz can't do the same.  Sure, it uses viewports (which seem to be 
harder to find on modern WMs) instead of workspaces, but surely it can't 
be that hard?

If I understand it correctly, compiz keeps a simple per-screen linked 
list of windows.  Would it be reasonable to also maintain this 
per-workspace most recent window?

I guess the main problem that immediately sticks out is what to do with 
a window that straddles two viewports.


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