[compiz] gtk-window-decorator Wnck warnings

David Reveman davidr at novell.com
Wed May 2 12:59:11 PDT 2007

On Mon, 2007-04-30 at 01:22 -0500, Erkin Bahceci wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm getting a lot of warnings like this one:
> (gtk-window-decorator:8442): Wnck-WARNING **: Unhandled action type (nil)
> Does anyone else see these warnings or know what causes these?

That warning is caused by compiz setting the new ACTION_ABOVE hint on
windows and old versions of libwnck doesn't recognize that hint. It's
harmless and if you upgrade to a newer version of libwnck (I think you
need the svn version) it will disappear. That libwnck spits out a
warning just because it doesn't recognize an action type is sort of bug.

> Also, it seems that this "lost textures" bug
>   https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10789
> usually happens only when these warnings are spitted out, so the bug
> is probably related to these wnck warnings.

I haven't looked at the "lost textures" bug but I can guarantee that
it's not related to this libwnck warning.

- David

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