[compiz] Enable Plugin from DBus

Carlo Capocasa theman at carlocapocasa.com
Wed Aug 26 05:03:51 PDT 2009

> The 'core' plugin has an 'active_plugins' display option, which
> essentially is a string list. You need to set that to include the plugin
> you want to load. You need to take care of plugin load order etc.
> though, which is done by libcompizconfig if you enable/disable plugins
> via ccsm.

Thanks, Danny!

That's odd, when I get that array and set it to the same thing, window
borders disappear.

Here is what I did in detail:

With this command

  dbus-send --print-reply --type=method_call \
      --dest=org.freedesktop.compiz \
      /org/freedesktop/compiz/core/allscreens/active_plugins \

I get a long array in this format that contains a list of plugins:

  array [
    string "foo"
    string "fum"

Then I reformat the output to conform to this format:


and set it via dbus with this command

  dbus-send --print-reply --type=method_call \
      --dest=org.freedesktop.compiz \
      /org/freedesktop/compiz/core/allscreens/active_plugins \
      org.freedesktop.compiz.get array:string:"foo",string:"fum"

-> No window borders

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