[compiz] Compiz 8.6 on openSuSE 11.0 -- Success! But need help with a few issues.

Christian Mertes cmertes at techfak.uni-bielefeld.de
Wed May 19 01:05:34 PDT 2010

On Mi, 2010-05-19 at 08:42 +0200, Danny Baumann wrote:
> In the past (compiz
> > 0.5.6 - 0.8.2) there may have been one or two that would stick on 
> > some weird XGL
> > issue, but I have a dozen or so that will not 'activate' for lack of
> > better words. (you check -> they uncheck 1-5 secs later)
> When that happens, compiz was unable to load the plugin you tried to
> activate. In your specific case ... 

I have this behaviour with "General Options->Desktop Size->Horizontal
Virtual Size" when trying to set it to 2 (which is kinda annoying
because that's exactly what I want it to be). It jumps to 3 by itself
after a small random amount of seconds. I can set the option using
gconf-editor (it's /apps/compiz/general/screen0/options/hsize in case
anyone having this problem finds this in a web search) without problems
and it sticks.

Dunno if it helps but it seemed relevant, although I'm using good old
compiz 0.8.4 and it might just be a long fixed bug.

Best regards,


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