[compiz] Compiz 8.6 on openSuSE 11.0 -- Success! But need help with a few issues.

Christian Mertes cmertes at techfak.uni-bielefeld.de
Wed May 19 02:32:43 PDT 2010

On Mi, 2010-05-19 at 10:20 +0200, Danny Baumann wrote:
> What distro is that? That sounds like a weird distro patch, because
> nothing in (upstream) core or compizconfig messes with user-set hsize
> values.
It's Linux Mint so it could be any patch in Debian, Ubuntu or Mint
itself :/ I don't remember when this first happened and I can live with
it because I basically never touch these settings. It struck me as one
of the weirdest things software ever did to me though ;)

Best regards,


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