[ConsoleKit] How to get PID of session leader?

G. Paul Ziemba pz-consolekit at ziemba.us
Tue Jun 15 08:20:36 PDT 2010

Given a ConsoleKit session ID, I'd like to find the process id
of the session leader.

Ideally, there would be a method in org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Session
to retrieve it (judging from the ConsoleKit 0.4.1 code I think it is
already stored somewhere), but I'm wondering if there is a way to get
it using existing APIs.

It looks as if there is a DBus->GetConnectionUnixProcessID(connection name),
but I don't know how to map a sesison ID to the connection name of the
session leader. Suggestions welcome.

Maybe there is a better way?

many thanks,

G. Paul Ziemba
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