Hello,<br><br>I am really liking the approach multi-seat support is taking.<br>Thanks for your good work.<br><div class="gmail_quote"><div><br>Like I said on a previous email I am working on a NX Server. This server basically<br>
stores parameters and manipulates the session using these parameters.<br>It has some shortcommings.<br><br> - Seat should contain a seattype.<br> When I add a seat for NX, gdm don't need to connect to this seat SessionToAdd signal.<br>
<br> - The session id should contain the hostname as prefix. I want it for load balance.<br> Like LocalhostSession1<br><br>About the generic parameters:<br> - A way to set these parameters.<br> NX allows reconnection to a running X server, and it can change the parameters.<br>
(example: compression, connection link type(speed), shares, others).<br> - ConsoleKit should not pass every parameter using signal, ssid is enough (maybe exec too).<br> GetParameters on the session object is the correct approach.<br>
This way we can keep sensitive information.<br><br>I think the session leader approach should be redesigned.<br> - A session leader should listen to one or more seattypes.<br> - Session leader should have a valid dbus service.<br>
- Session leader validation should be done using the dbus service owner instead<br> of the pid. This means that a session can be closed by the leader not by the pid<br> that launched it.<br><br></div></div>Regards.<br>