[CREATE] OpenRaster

Cyrille Berger cberger at cberger.net
Wed Jul 5 06:08:05 PDT 2006

> 1. Adjustment layers. I don't see how it would be possible to support
> growing amount of filters, especially since amount of controllers in
> each one may change in the future (consider greycstoration of
> excellent focus blur plug-ins for GIMP). I would start with basic set
> of adjustment layers:
> (...)
> What other basic adjustment layers would you suggest?
I suppose that what you call "basic adjustment layers", you mean a list of 
adjusment whose maths are included in the specification. And then others, 
would be identified for instance as "gimp:coolfilter" or "krita:coolfilter" ?

> 4. Path layers. Do we want path layers be optionally clipping paths?
> This is a very important feature.
Then we will add it, we are only begining to have path support in krita, we 
are only starting to have an idea of the cool thing we can do with it :)

> 5. Layers and color management. Do we want optional ICC-profiles per layer?
yes we want it, as Leornard said it to mix layers from different colorspaces.

--- Cyrille Berger ---

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