[CREATE] create planet

Nicu Buculei nicu at nicubunu.ro
Wed May 24 07:23:19 PDT 2006

Alexandre Prokoudine wrote:
> Hi,
> CREATE's planet seems to ignore <br/> from Inkscape's feed. Also, it
> show sthe following news item from Inkscape's feed that is not visikle
> at www.inkscape.org and contains no URL in the new body:

The Inkscape feed is pretty bad, is a homemade solution, a script which 
read the webiste and generate the feed. In the process it strips *all* 
html tags, BR, A, IMG, so the result is plain text, have a look at the 
feed: http://inkscape.org/inkscape.rss, planet can't do anything more 
with it.

This solution was considered easier to use compared with the previous 
Wordpress setup, which used to generate an usable feed.

> Icons with Inkscape
> Dmitri Joukov has written a blog post about using Inkscape for creating 
> Icons.
> May 23, 2006 06:00 PM

There is something wrong with this entry, i have no idea yet why Planet 
use a wrong date for it, May 23 instead of April 4.

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