[CREATE] Draft Lens Correction Database

Yuval Levy create07 at sfina.com
Tue Jun 19 11:23:12 PDT 2007

Hi all,

I have not had all the time I wanted to dedicate to this, so it is 
uncomplete. Herewith I share the current draft, hoping that somebody 
will pick it up and continue from here.

Architecture: a mysql database with web based input / output. Export 
format, relevant for the desktop tools using the db, XML.

Two type of inputs: deterministic (i.e. specific correction parameters 
as determined by a volunteer who intended to calibrate the lens) and 
stochastic (i.e. the parameters obtained while optimizing a hugin 
project). Credit goes to Bruno Postle and JD Smith on the hugin-ptx list 
for this second approach. In both approaches the critical settings are 
proper physical lens set up. The deterministic approach relies on the 
volunteer to set 100% perfectly, which is seldom the case. The 
stochastic approach is based on mean-reversion and relies on the fact 
that the set up errors of many users in many project will cancel each 
other out.

In the output, the user is free to decide on which of the two processes 
he prefers to rely. Can output the whole database, or lens/camera 
specific XML.

The database is in the attachement, with a bit more analysis and a short 
todo list.

License is http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ - though this 
code could be released in the public domain as far as I am concerned. 
The value here is not the code, but the data in the database which takes 
a lot of effort to collect and refine.

Comments and critique welcome.

enjoy the summer!
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