[CREATE] assets library

Cyrille Berger cberger at cberger.net
Sat Sep 22 16:04:15 PDT 2007

> Didn't we just decide that we should use the format from gimp (.gpl),
> right? THat is what Inkscape uses too...

May I point out that as far as I know .gpl are limited to RGB8bit. As the gimp 
folks don't want external projects (and there is nothing wrong with that) to 
change .gpl . So there is indeed, I believe, a need for a new format. Which 
can be derived of .gpl (and called cpl for Create PaLette (that way it would 
still be a license extension ;p ) ).

And there is a page on create's wiki about this [1] which links to a page on 
scribus's wiki [2].

[1] http://create.freedesktop.org/wiki/index.php/Swatches_-_colour_file_format
[2] http://wiki.scribus.net/index.php/Colour_Requirements

Cyrille Berger

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