[CREATE] Pitching a community-funded conference

Daniel James daniel at 64studio.com
Thu Mar 13 07:29:05 PDT 2008

Hi Alexandre,

> http://www.fosdem.org/2008/interview/robin+rowe

I wouldn't call that bad-mouthing. It's pretty much consistent with the 
interview I did. All programs have their limitations, including 
CinePaint, and recognising these limitations is the first step towards 
making better software.

> I have to admit that I feel a little lost in this thread - it started
> basically from nowhere, assuming all the subscribed people are in the
> context of the issue.

OK, the original thread was about funding for LGM, and I suggested 
contacting Robin because he probably has the most direct contacts with 
Linux/graphics users in Hollywood. This suggestion provoked a response 
about the supposed mutual hostility between Gimp and CinePaint teams.



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