[CREATE] scale

Dave Neary dneary at free.fr
Sun Oct 5 13:07:24 PDT 2008


Jon Phillips wrote:
> Ok, already got a reply from Ilan, organizer of scale, and they like the
> idea of scale co-location...one thought is to have a track there, and
> keep it like LGM...one problem might be sponsorships, plus LGM is now
> decent sized!
> Anyone like or dislike this idea? 

I'm happier with the idea of having a "free graphics" track which is
100% user-facing, without the get-together-and-get-stuff-done side that
LGM has.

Since you have some GIMP, Cinepaint and Inkscape on-site already, you're
in good shape for a conference stream - if you can get a decent Blender
presentation (and for that town, it'd better be a good one - you might
even get Ton or Bassam to go if there's some Hollywood interest) you've
got the makings of some really good sessions.


Dave Neary
dneary at free.fr
Tel: +33 9 51 13 46 45
Cell: +33 6 77 01 92 13

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