[CREATE] updated pledgie page

Jon Phillips jon at rejon.org
Tue Feb 24 00:13:25 PST 2009

Alexandre: Does the pledgie campaign reflect the press release latest?
And the date for sending things?

A_L_E: Is there anything else to be done on the website before this
press goes out? I'm a bit out of the loop if there were changes made
over the weekend that need to be pushed out. Is the updated logo going
to go out or registration form? Not so many stepped up to comment on
these items last email, so I'm a bit anxious to not delay this press
anymore. But, if these two items others feel strongly about, then can

If a few give greenlight, lets try to get the press out tomorrow
around noon CST. Is that okay? Nathan and Alexandre is that cool?

The pledgie issue has been sorted. So, money should be going through.
If you donated and didn't receive confirmation, please email on this
thread or offlist.


Ok, cool!


Jon Phillips

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