[CREATE] New presenter

Yuval Levy create07 at sfina.com
Thu Mar 5 14:51:48 PST 2009

Thomas Sharpless wrote:
> So, I would like to give a presentation and/or host a panel on the new
> perspective methods at the Montreal meeting in May.  Not having participated
> in LGM before, I'm in need of guidance on the right way to make this
> happen.  Please advise.
Panini is listed at 

Is anybody involved with MathMap plug-in for Gimp also attending LGM?

I would like to see more exchanges and maybe even a common library for 
perspective projections. Currently within Hugin it's Libpano, though 
some of the projections are already implemented in OpenGL (nona-gpu). 
Mathmap is great for experimenting with new / custom transformations. 
Panini is the real-time GUI that non-technical photographers have been 
missing so far.

Since late last year, new projections abound and there start to be 
confusion about naming conventions and duplicates. Naming conventions 
are particularly important when communicating what the resukting artwork 
is to the general public. It would be good to have consensus names, and 
make sure these names go into the public domain / general use before 
they get trademarked by special / commercial interests. It is in the 
interest of everybody who produces these images with ultra wide field of 
view and extra high resolution to get things sorted out. There are 
examples in France and Italy of commercial interests who obtained trade 
marks for the words "panographie" and "panografia" which potentially can 
become a threat to the free spreading of this new artwork.

Looking forward to see you in Montréal and participate in your panel.


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