[CREATE] off topic: decentralised social networking

Jon Phillips jon at rejon.org
Mon Apr 26 17:40:50 PDT 2010

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I haven't seen this. Looks like its funded by vodafone (big company!).
You've seen what I'm working on, right: http://status.net and using
the http://ostatus.org protocol mashup and we built http://identi.ca


On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 5:13 PM, Schrijver <eric at authoritism.net> wrote:
> Since I became social network junky I worry a lot about the privacy implications of such centralised non-free software. So I figured social networking should be distributed. And also figured that this would be a ludicrous hassle to implement.
> But last week I came across the onesocialweb project.
> Their code went online last week (under the apache license). They rigged openfire XMPP (instant messaging) servers so that they have social functionality. You set up your on social network on such a server, and these servers can subsequently connect into what they call ‘the federation’. Distributed, connected!
> http://onesocialweb.org
> Since the release the first few nodes have already gone online.
> I just wanted to point to this project because I think this and similar software can only become something if we start playing with it. Otherwise it just stays a lab project or thought experiment…
> &social networking is here to stay, and in spite of common scepsis I believe it can be quite stimulating for creatives.
> Cheers,
> Eric Schrijver
> ps
> found this via the comments on the proposals at
> http://wingolog.org/archives/2010/04/10/towards-a-gnu-autonomous-cloud
> much more interesting links in the comments including
> http://www.isoc-ny.org/?p=1338 Eben Moglen; Freedom in the cloud
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Jon Phillips
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