[CREATE] Fwd: Re: [LGF-LGA] Ok, let's start with a website

Alexandre Prokoudine alexandre.prokoudine at gmail.com
Sun Aug 8 09:43:01 PDT 2010

On 8/8/10, Gregory Pittman wrote:

> I think maybe the Create site could work if it had a different/better
> portal, where what's there now could be accessed from it, but you could
> have other directions to go from that portal.

There is another thing I'm quite concerned with: the blogs aggregator.

Right now we have two planets running simultaneously and started by
two people at more or less the same time (create's one and
graphicsplanet.org), and I'm quilty of having supported both (it was
partly because getting SSH access on new fd.o machine didn't work back
in time).

I don't really know how many people read each: neither have feedburner
based RSS, so it's hard to tell. But I have a feeling that two planets
is an overkill.

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