[CREATE] Meeting with SVG Working Group Around LGM

Jon Phillips jon at rejon.org
Mon Jan 11 23:18:19 PST 2010

oh, this is great news Doug!

Please save me a spot! I'm sure you will get some now, but probably
more will know as we get closer to LGM


On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 9:29 PM, Doug Schepers <doug at schepers.cc> wrote:
> Hi, Folks-
> The SVG Working Group is planning to collocate a face-to-face meeting
> with the Libre Graphics Meeting in or around Brussels.  We would like to
> open up one of the days of our meeting to LGM attendees, to give direct
> feedback into the SVG specification process.  For example, we are
> particularly interested in improving our gradients support, and in
> examining print options, and the feedback from the LGM community would
> be very welcome on these and other topics.
> We are interested in hearing back from anyone who would like to join us.
>  Please do let us know if you are interested, so we can plan our
> meeting space accordingly.
> Regards-
> -Doug Schepers
> W3C Team Contact, SVG and WebApps WGs
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Jon Phillips
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