[CREATE] Create resources stuff

Sven Langkamp sven.langkamp at gmail.com
Fri Jun 17 14:46:40 PDT 2011


recently we have added Get Hot New Stuff support for all kinds of resources
in Krita (http://libregraphicsworld.org/news.php?readmore=808). What I would
really like to have is a common GHNS site for all the free graphics
applications, so that e.g. Gimp and Krita users can share resources.
Currently we use OpenDesktop.org for the resources while there is also
gimpstuff.org for Gimp resources. We should have a common site for it.

Ideally there would a createstuff.org site, but I would also fine if
everyone uses gimpstuff.org. This needs to decided rather fast before the
next version of Krita is realeased and users start to upload more stuff.

For the start I think we should share patterns, gradients and brushes as the
formats are supported by Gimp and Krita.

What do you think?

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