[CREATE] Create resources stuff

Alexandre Prokoudine alexandre.prokoudine at gmail.com
Sun Jun 19 23:17:45 PDT 2011

On Sun, Jun 19, 2011 at 7:54 PM, Camille Bissuel wrote:

> Maybe the Alexandre Prodoukine's

It's Prokoudine, thank you :)

> or the a.l.e.'s http://www.freegraphicdesigner.org/

Whois doesn't know about this domain.

> are suitable if they agree.

As for LGW, we are in the middle of switching to a new CMS, and while
we might implement a GHNS compatible module in the future, chances to
get it here and now are fairly slim. Besides I would rather prefer
this would-be generic GHNS server to be an independent entity
regarding myself.

I don't think a new domain is such a big deal. The question really is
whether you have people to maintain it. Location and name are second
important. The Open Font Library story should have been a lesson in
that respect, I think.

Alexandre Prokoudine

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