[CREATE] Libre Graphics workshops, BoFs, et.c. sessions at DesktopSummit 2011

Jon Nordby jononor at gmail.com
Wed Jun 29 05:00:54 PDT 2011

On 20 June 2011 10:32, Jon Nordby <jononor at gmail.com> wrote:
> The call for participation for Workshop & BoFs for the DesktopSummit
> 2011 (which is in Berlin between August 6th and 12th) has just been
> published. Info here: http://desktopsummit.org/program/workshops-bofs
> Excerpt:
> "All forms of activities that aim to further the Free Desktop by
> getting people together to discuss, work and make decisions are
> welcomed. Examples of such sessions include BoF sessions
> (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birds_of_a_Feather_%28computing%29),
> project and cross-project meetings, workshops, hacking sessions and
> training/teaching sessions. Each session is self-organized and it is
> up to the hosts and participants to decide if the session is to be
> loosely oriented around a set of topics, or have a well-defined
> agenda."
> As graphics software is a critical part of a desktop, I would say that
> Libre Graphics is naturally a critical part of the Free Desktop.
> This might be especially interesting for:
> - BoFs, et.c. on topics that have an impact on a wider audience and
> (color management, file formats, general interoperability, et.c.)
> - Projects meetings for projects who did not have a strong presence in
> LGM 2011 in Montreal that still want to get together face-to-face this
> year.
> - Teaching our tools to the free desktop contributors who rely on them
> in their workflow, and getting feedback from them
> - Hacking sessions
> I am going to be present at least, and if there is interest will do a
> session on OpenRaster (I have a lighting talk on it as well).

I've created a proposal now:

For the session to be accepted as a pre-registered session, and show
up in the printed schedule I will need a co-host. Anyone interested?
CC'ing some of the usual suspects.

> Full announcement follows
> =========================
> Call for Participation: Workshops & BoFs at the Desktop Summit 2011
> The Desktop Summit 2011 is a joint conference organised by the GNOME
> and KDE  communities in Berlin, Germany from the 6th August 2011 to
> the 12th  August 2011. Held annually in cities around Europe, GUADEC
> and Akademy are the world's largest gatherings of those involved with
> the free desktop or mobile user interfaces. Developers, artists,
> translators, community organisers, users, and representatives from
> government, education, and businesses and anyone else who shares an
> interest are welcome. GNOME and KDE are Free Software communities that
> drive the user interfaces of many GNU/Linux-powered devices, ranging
> from smartphones to laptops, or personal media centers. This year, for
> the second time, both communities have decided to organise a single,
> joint conference  expecting over a thousand participants, covering
> both projects as well as related technologies.
> <h2>Not Just Presentations</h2>
> The Desktop Summit will have an exciting program of talks
> (https://www.desktopsummit.org/program). But the most important part
> of the conference are the Workshop & BoF days. This is the part of the
> conference where the participants get together to discuss and work on
> the future of the Free Desktop. It is where the latest technology is
> demonstrated in a one-to-few setting and where decisions are made.
> The organisation committee would like to schedule as many of these
> sessions beforehand as possible. We expect over 1000 visitors and
> scheduling helps to ensure minimal overlap with other sessions and
> allows us to provide a clear timetable for the visitors.
> The remainder of the rooms will be scheduled via the wiki but we urge
> you all to try and get a proposal in before the deadline! We realize
> that many sessions are meant to be about current and urgent topics so
> we don't expect proposals to have an exact agenda, nor do we mind if
> the subject changes later on.
> <h2>Session requirements</h2>
> All forms of activities that aim to further the Free Desktop by
> getting people together to discuss, work and make decisions are
> welcomed. Examples of such sessions include BoF sessions
> (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birds_of_a_Feather_%28computing%29),
> project and cross-project meetings, workshops, hacking sessions and
> training/teaching sessions. Each session is self-organized and it is
> up to the hosts and participants to decide if the session is to be
> loosely oriented around a set of topics, or have a well-defined
> agenda.
> Each session is meant to be open to anyone who is interested, if you
> want to organize a closed session on a subject, contact the
> organisation (details below).
> We encourage participants to make use of the fact that the Desktop
> Summit will bring together people from several different communities,
> and the unique opportunities this creates.
> <h2>Reserving a spot on the Workshop & BoF Days</h2>
> To register a session, use the form found on the the Workshops & BoFs
> webpage on the Desktop Summit website
> (http://desktopsummit.org/program/workshops-bofs). This requires
> logging in to the Desktop Summit wiki (using the same login details as
> on the website). Please check the sessions that have already been
> proposed before creating a new one
> (http://wiki.desktopsummit.org/index.php?title=Category:DS2011WorkshopProposal)
> You will need to provide the following:
> * Title of session
> * Session hosts (names, contact info)[1]
> * Short description of the session. Between 150 and 400 words please.
> * Format of the session[2]
> * Expected number of attendees
> * Numbers of hours you think you need
> * Special requirements/requests (equipment, room and scheduling)
> [1] All sessions require at least two hosts to sign up to take care of them.
> [2] Format can be any of the following: BoF, team meeting, hacking
> session, workshop, training/teaching session.
> The deadline for pre-registered sessions is July 3rd. Sessions
> registered before this time will be scheduled by the organization team
> between July 3rd and July 10th.
> For sessions registered after this date, attendees themselves are
> responsible for finding a time and location for the session. Rooms
> will be available for this for the duration of the Workshop & BoF
> days, and the wiki can be used to coordinate.
> Please note that the schedule for talks has already been published and
> these sessions are meant to be hands-on, not "read-only"!
> In case of questions regarding the conference please consult the
> Desktop Summit web site or contact the Desktop Summit organising team
> under ds-team at desktopsummit.org.
> --
> Jon Nordby - www.jonnor.com

Jon Nordby - www.jonnor.com

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