[CREATE] new blog

Pete Ippel - hypermodern.net pete at hypermodern.net
Tue Sep 13 13:40:19 PDT 2011

I saw your "Physical" post and wanted to show you a stop-motion animation
from Maya Rota Klein http://vimeo.com/9338549
She's post software, and does a lot of stop-motion, performance and video.

All my best,

On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 11:49 AM, Braydon <ronin at braydon.com> wrote:

> I've setup a microblog at http://postsoftware.wordpress.**com/<http://postsoftware.wordpress.com/>and will be aiming to post to it once a day with images of things I find
> when going around the Net searching for cool stuff. It's not libre graphics
> exclusive, but extends to, and might be more importantly, any traditional
> "oldschool" techniques.
> Let me know if there is anything I should see and know about.
> Thanks!
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