[CREATE] OpenRaster spec: proposal: add svg:src-atop and svg:dst-atop

Andrew Chadwick a.t.chadwick at gmail.com
Tue Apr 7 01:58:26 PDT 2015

Hi, CREATE-friends --

We'd like to add support for the "Destination Atop" and (especially)
"Source Atop" compositing modes in MyPaint, to allow users to make
groups clipped by their bottom layer's alpha. Use case: add shadows
and highlighting without having to create a separate masking layer set
to dst-in/dst-out.



Does anyone have any objection to "svg:src-atop" and "svg:dst-atop"
being added to the list at:


The blending function for the modes is to be Normal.

I'm Cc:ing Boud because I bet Krita already has this... Hopefully the
naming of the element won't be an issue; the pattern has always been
fairly obvious.

Andrew Chadwick

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