[CREATE] Open Colour Systems Collection 2.0 released (Re: CREATE Digest, Vol 134, Issue 1)

Jan Claeys lists at janc.be
Mon Jan 2 06:37:53 UTC 2017

On Fri, 2016-12-23 at 23:04 +0000, Hin-Tak Leung wrote:
> Are you aware that Xamarin Mono, besides having a open-source (MIT-
> licensed) C# compiler mcs, also have a visual-basic compiler, vbnc,
> which should be already available on most libre os'es? I see
> RealBasic's compiler is non-free, but they do/did provide a visual
> basic convertor so presumably the two *basic'es are close enough.

FWIW, Gambas is another open source “Visual Basic”-like language:


(Something like C++ plus Qt might still be more "universally" useful.)

Jan Claeys

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