Hi to all past, present and future LGM'ers!<br><br>Please note that the Fourth Edition of the LGM will take place in Montreal in the first week of May 2009, starting on Wednesday May 6 and closing on Saturday May 9.<br><br>
Official kick-off start is now!<br><br>Please stay tuned for further details. You can already book your flights!<br><br>People who can and who want to give a hand are most welcome to do so! Please stick on the Create list and on the #lgm channel on freenode for day-to-day contact. I will fill the wiki from time to time with the latest info.<br>
<br>Can't wait to welcome you all to MTL again!<br><br>Cheers!<br><br>Louis<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Louis Desjardins<br>Organiser<br>Libre Graphics Meeting 2009 - Montréal<br>