Hello All,<br><br>As a builder of digital panoramic cameras and minor Hugin and PanoTools developer for several years, I have been following progress in panography software with great interest. Recently I wrote a little OpenGL pano viewer called pvQt, that has now turned into Panini, an interactive tool for making "vedutismo" views from existing panoramas. The reaction to Panini has been very positive, and it seems it may have the potential to become a serious photographer's tool, complementary to the the pano stitchers.<br>
<br>In any case, I'm tremendously excited by recent developments in the control of panoramic perspective (which I modestly admit to having helped motivate) namely the Pannini/equi-perspective/vedutismo projection and new "hybrid" schemes that fit the projection to the subject. By letting us make natural looking prints of much wider views than was possible in the past, these tools will enable a new phase of panography, with more emphasis on the traditional flat image -- and I think that will lead to wider adoption of panographic methods and software by the mainstream imaging and graphics communities.<br>
<br>So, I would like to give a presentation and/or host a panel on the new perspective methods at the Montreal meeting in May. Not having participated in LGM before, I'm in need of guidance on the right way to make this happen. Please advise.<br>
<br>Regards, Tom<br><br>